Jenaveve Jolie Video YYXXYY
Posted by Sisca Cute Love U in Jenaveve Jolie Video YYXXYY on Monday, December 19, 2011
Jenaveve Jolie Sinfully Sexy brought to you by PnHub
I am sorry to say that I have to be leaving Blogger. Too many people from my school have found out, etc, etc. I have to stop this blog before it spirals out of control. It's been fun.
Fashion && Field Trips
Posted by Sisca Cute Love U in clothes, DIY, field trip, random, shopping on Saturday, February 23, 2008
So, yesterday, we went on a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It was pretty cool, except that a bunch of immature dorks were laughing at all the nude statues of women and men. I mean, it was pretty sad. They were taking pictures (no flash allowed) and snickering and everything, and my friend was shaking his head and was like, "Bill, haven't you ever seen a porno?" and that really cracked everyone up, and Bill turned bright red. After that, the rest of the school day was pretty much boring (biology, world history, yada yada). I mean, there is absolutely no point in taking English class!! So, our vocab will improve. SO?? I bet I can name like, ten famous people who have great vocabulary without taking English classes. Okay, so I can't. Whatev.
I just got back from shopping. I must admit defeat to my sacrifice of buying knockoffs. I found a black Louis Vuitton scarf in Canal Street that I couldn't resist. I mean, once you see Canal Street and its multitude of knockoffs, it's kind of hard to not buy anything. I guess it's that way with shopping. You see something, you buy something. Anyway, I have no idea what to wear it with, but it was five dollars and the monogramming was like, the exact same as a real one, so I had to indulge. I might wear it as a belt. I got that idea from the Clique, btw. Their fashion ideas are so cute!! Mismatched boots, ties/scarves as belts, earrings pinned to blazers, etc. Lisi Harrison is a geeeenius.
I also bought a pair of beeeeyoutiful shoes at Payless. Who cares if you pay less? LOL. They're totally gorgeous. I forgot what brand they were...Bogo, I think. Well, if my stupid USB and computer weren't broken or slow, maybe I'd be able to show you guys. But my parents are too lazy and they're like, "you don't need to show the world your shopping treasures." YES!! I DO!! Whatev. They're these wedges and they look almost looks fabulous, although I can't wear them yet because we're still getting a dose of cold weather.
I've decided to take interest in DIY projects. My best friend Rachel recently turned and ugly floral sack dress (you couldn't tell the skirt apart from the arm sleeves, I swear!!) into a gorgeous sleeveless dress. All she did was cinch it, trim the sleeves, made the skirt shorter (who wants to wear a floor-length floral sack??) so it reached her knees, and added a pink ribbon across the front. Rachel works wonders with a needle. All I do is poke myself ten times a minute. What a talent, huh? (:
Lata. <3
P.S. What I'm wearing (I love to do these): My going-out-to-eat-lunch-at-panera-bread outfit...which happens to be: a fabulous black and cream striped sweater from Anthropologie that Sierra HATES. She says it makes me look like an inmate. Screw you. It looks cute with my Hollister jeans (they're so comfy!!), my cream-colored ankle boots (Herberger's), my black chandelier earrings (Kenneth Jay Lane-Neiman Marcus), and my Jimmy Choo bag which you can view below...and its contents. God, I'm hungry. It's past noon!!
My Bag (inspiration from Alex Richards..haha)
Posted by Sisca Cute Love U in handbag, purse, random, stuff, volleyball on Monday, February 18, 2008
Sorry, Alex, I'm stealing your idea. Although I can't upload pics from my camera because I have a problem with the USB and my computer. :P It's messed up, I know. I guess you could say that my computer is messed up. I'll have to show you stuff the old fashioned way (a.k.a. off the internet).This is my bag. Jimmy Choo Ramona Patent Ring bag from Saks Fifth Avenue. I actually found it on the Neiman Marcus website, which is weird...anyway, isn't it gorgeous?? I actually got it for my birthday, and on the NM website, it says that it's over a thousand dollars. :P Sorry, Mom!! LOL, not that I mind. Anyway, inside of my bag is:
1. MY CELL PHONE. I couldn't find any pictures, but I'll tell you this much: it's a black Nokia camera flip phone, and it's not fat or anything, but it's not like, as thin as the RAZR. It's pretty good. The battery lasts long, it's good quality...blah, blah blah. I'm not writing a review or anything.2. GUM. It's Stride...Forever Fruit!! Yum!! I love chewing on this. It's so delish. (: I frankly don't have anything to say about this except that you've got to try it if you haven't. I finished one pack in like, a week.
3. IT GIRL BOOK. Great novel, even though I haven't finished reading it yet!! After this, I'm so getting Bratfest at Tiffany's from the Clique series. (: I love Cecily von Ziegasar, she's a great author. I haven't read Balk Talk by Alex Richards yet...but I'm planning to read it as soon as I can find it!! I promise!! LOL.
4. COVERGIRL WETSLICKS FRUIT SPRITZERS IN GUAVA SPLASH. Mmm, I love this!! Great lip gloss, it's not sticky like MAC or anything (no offence). You should seriously consider this.
5. SHEER COVER. Uhh, I couldn't find a picture in my exact skin tone, but Sheer Cover actually works. It's pretty awesome. Just like the commercial, lol, since commercials usually lie (EX: You'll never have to use makeup again!! or Don't vote for Hillary Clinton, she is lying about all that she's proposing!!)...6. MY WALLET. It's a Dooney and Burke knock-off from Canal Street. Yes, I'm attracted to knock-offs that look very real. (: I once saw this Chanel bag and it looked like the same exact thing, so I had to buy it. Right? I mean, a Chanel bag. The actual thing probably costs 2000, & the faux costs $25.
7. MY CAMERA. I couldn't find a pic of it (again), sorry. Besides, it's not like I'm able to take a picture of my camera. Well, I could. If I used someone else's camera...augh, forget it. I don't have time to do that. Besides, it's not like you're going to suffer if you don't see what my camera looks like. Right? Well, if you do suffer, then you've got some serious issues.8. ORANGE TIC-TACS. It's delish!! I love it. Huh. I just suddenly realized that I have tic-tacs and gum in my bag. Should I try them together? Since they're both fruity-flavored? This should be Anyway, I prefer orange above any other kind of Tic-Tac. Idk why...I guess I'm weird like that.
Well, that's my bag!! :P Wow, this is a seriously long post. I better go, I have volleyball practice today, even with no school.
Lata. <3
What I'm wearing: my volleyball uniform. Duh. A.K.A. : gray shorts (with Clair written on the butt in black!! Too cute!! LOL it was personalized), navy t-shirt (from the hockey arena), white knee pads (Dick's Sporting Goods), white socks (Walmart, Hanes), white and navy Adidas sneakers (Dick's Sporting Goods), and a pair of black sweatpants over my shorts, because its freakin cold outside (hollister). (:
best of the grammys
Ohmygod, I love this!!!! I have no idea why. Beyonce looks GORGEOUS, except for her hair. No offence, but I'm not really...seeing how it's appropriate for the Grammys. She's richer than me, so she should've been able to afford to stop by at her hairdresser. Whatever. The silver is so cute with the baby blue. I'd buy this dress ANY DAY.
Wow, Colbie Calait (did I spell that right? God, I'm so bad with names, it's unbelievable!!) looks very cute and sunny. She really brightened up the red carpet. Look at the clutch!! Luvv it to death!! Her shoes are fantastic. Dammit, she's brilliant!! The flower adds a touch of femininity that gives a softer and cuter look. Love it X10000!!! 10000/10!
Another yellow dress, with Fergie!! Although the cleavage is a little to bold, I love her hair, necklace, and shoes. No doubt that yellow is a trend here. Sorry, Beyonce! But you could use a few hair tips from Fergie and Colbie. ^^
Did anyone besides MOI watch the Grammys? Loved Rihanna's and Kanye West's performance. :]
Lata. <3
The Jimmy Choo of My Eye
I love this shoe to death!! I saw this in Barneys a few months ago and it took me forever to find online but I finally did on Sugarloot!! It's amazing. ^^ I'm not too sure what I would wear it with, though.
I could wear a gold twist front dress with emerald green accents...or maybe a thrilling white Grecian dress with crystals? I know a few bratty bitches who would die without Swarovski. Oh well. I dunno. Give me your opinion. What should I wear with it? TELL ME.
Although I know I'm probably not going to ever get these shoes, I can dream, can't I? Somehow I'll find a design that's very similar to this one. I always seem to find one. This might have taken me a month to find online, but in no time, with your help, I'll find what I truly need. Wow. -_- That sounded like a cheesy ad. LOL. BTW, sorry I haven't been showing anyone any pics of my outfits, but I can't seem to find the USB for my camera, and that might be a problem. I'll upload my too cute outfit from yesterday as soon as possible!!
Lata. <3
P.S. WHAT I'M WEARING: (this is what I wore to school, babyy!)
-printed hoodie from Asos (pink, orange, yellow, light green, white)
-yellow tank from Target
-dark wash Frankie B jeans from Neiman Marcus
-lucky white Converse sneakers Why are my sneakers lucky? Well, all my friends signed their names on it in a multitude of colors, so they totally match my hoodie. I went for a tomboy look today, but I think it's not bad. Not bad at all, my pretty. ^^
The Handbag of my Eye
Posted by Sisca Cute Love U in handbag, Marc Jacobs, shopping on Saturday, February 2, 2008
When I saw this bag at Nordstrom, I fell in love!! Too bad it's way out of my budget. :( Oh well. Do you know how cute it would look with the gold sequined dress I bought at Bebe for like, $20 (it was on sale)? Too cute. And throw on a pair of black kitten heels and you've got yourself a definite red carpet 10.
I want it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone else? Or do they think this is totally UGLY? Tell me what you think. It looks a little old lady-ish if you look at it for a while, but if you keep staring at it, you suddenly realize how ah-mazingly ah-dorable this would look with a sequined gold dress that has a black bow in the back. And some kitten heels from Manolo Blahnik, of course.
I can't stop thinking about this!! It's like, a disease. MUST STOP THINKING ABOUT TOO CUTE HANDBAG.
I'm going to indulge in an illegal shopping crime and start hunting for a knock off. I know, I know, I'm stooping way too low. But I have to have it!! And I'm sure its faux twin is sitting somewhere on a hanger on Canal Street. I just have to find out where...
Lata. <3